The US Environmental Protection agency, having already phased out Class I ozone-depleting substances (ODS), is now phasing out Class II ODS including R-22, by January of 2020. This means that R-22, a refrigerant still used in existing air conditioners, can no longer be manufactured or imported into the US. The age of your system and cost of needed repairs have always been factors in determining when it is time for a new air conditioner installation. The phase-out of R-22 is increasing the number of people having to replace their system.
Refrigerant should last the life of your air conditioning system. If fact, running low on refrigerant is an indication of a leak. Running a unit that is low on refrigerant will shorten the life of your current air conditioning system and run up costly electrical bills. Knowing that we will not be able to replace R-22 beginning in January, we wanted you to prepare ahead of time that you may need a new air conditioning unit sooner that you may have thought.
If you are concerned the phase-out of R-22 may affect you, contact us today for a free consultation and estimate. We are more than happy to answer all your questions about the phase-out of R-22 and what is best for your air conditioning system both now and down the road.